...keeping your SUCCESS in mind!

Friday 13 August 2010

Freedom to be

Some may notice a paradox in the existence of this post!

We have just returned from 2 weeks blissful time out in Turkey- Lovely Villa, great pool, great food and company.

The only form of communication was personal!! We decided to make the holiday a social networking/internet free zone. So, no Twitter, no blogs, no facebook ( how did the girls cope??!!) no on line, no TV, no DVDs, no email.

So I hear you gasp in horror what on earth did you do? Two parents and two teenage girls.

We talked, we laughed, we told stories, we told jokes ( badly) we played cards, we played games, we sunbathed, we swam and we read , oh how we read!!

Did we miss our electronic gadgets and communications? Not one bit.

The other thing that I found was that I had space, time to think!

Time to just be......

Now we are back and modern technology has returned, well, as you can see I am blogging!

Mind you, what I realised, whilst in my techno free cocoon is that I can create it anywhere and at any time. We get so used to automatically using the technology that I think we sometimes forget that there is life and indeed a rich life without it from time to time!

I for one will be choosing to switch off the technology more often.

Just off to get my book!

Have a great weekend

Bridget :-)

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